From the early stages of its creation to the present day, the Polytechnic University of Tirana as a public institution of the Higher Education, has evolved in harmony with the demands of the social and cultural environment in Albania. In the process of change, it has often been a generator and supporting factor of the creation of the history of the higher education (mainly in the engineering field), technology, innovation, economy, national culture and public life.
The tradition dates back to the year 1951, with the founding of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Tirana which at the time consisted of several engineering branches such as: The Mechanical Engineering, the Electric Engineering and the Construction Engineering. This year marks the establishment of higher education in Albania. The academic staff at the beginning were Russian professors and Albanian assistants who had graduated in engineering faculties , mainly in the Eastern European Countries. Gradually with the increase in the levels of qualification and specialization, the substitution of the foreign professors with Albanian ones was made possible.
“For the creation of the State University of Tirana”, by joining the six existing institutes, the University of Tirana was founded. “For the creation of the State University of Tirana”, by joining the six existing institutes, the University of Tirana was founded. The Engineering Faculty was one of its constituent faculties. It consisted of these branches, the Mechanical Engineering, The Electrical Engineering, The Construction Engineering and the Geology and Mining where engineers were educated in the four respective engineering fields. The Scientific Library was founded in the premises of the University. The inauguration took place on 16 September 1957.
The year 1971 marks the finalization of the restructuring of the first study programs, in the Engineering Faculty. In compliance with the demands of the Albanian Industry of the time, which was flourishing, the four study programs had other profiles added This coincides with the period of the first qualifications of the staff abroad, through specializations, which considerably influenced the quality of the teaching process and that of the scientific research.
The Polytechnic University of Tirana, founded pursuant the Decision of the Council of Ministers, No. 215, Date. 15.7.1991, “For the Reorganization of the University of Tirana” comprised four faculties in line with its existing units: The Mechanical Engineering Faculty, the Electrical Engineering Faculty, the Construction Engineering Faculty and the Faculty of Geology and Mining. The Polytechnic University of Tirana, founded pursuant the Decision of the Council of Ministers, No. 215, Date. 15.7.1991, “For the Reorganization of the University of Tirana” comprised four faculties in line with its existing units: The Mechanical Engineering Faculty, the Electrical Engineering Faculty, the Construction Engineering Faculty and the Faculty of Geology and Mining.
In 1994 the organic structure of the faculties at the Polytechnic University changed and alongside with that, significant changes were made to the syllabi and the number of many study programs.
In the period of time 1991-2005, an intensive qualification of the academic and assisting staff took place in various universities in the Western Europe. There were students’ mobilities and an intensification of the international cooperation of the PUT, by starting to integrate in the Academic European Networks.
2005 marked the restructuring of the study programs of the PUT in compliance with the “Bologna Charter” It was in that year that the implementation of the study programs comprising two cycles started: the 3-year cycle (Bachelor) and the subsequent cycle the two-year Master degrees which were further divided into: Professional Master and Master of Science). The implementation of the 3-year study cycle (Doctorate) started in 2009.
In 2007 there were 6 faculties in the PUT: apart from the existing faculties, The Faculty of Information Technology (FTI) and The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Engineering (FIMIF) were founded. On the other hand, pursuant to “The Law for the Higher Institutions in the Republic of Albania” No. 9741, Date 21.05.2007, changes were made to the structure of the PUT due to the fact that two institutions were attached to it: The Institute of Energy, Water and Environment (INEUM) and The Institute of Geo-Sciences (INGJ) On the other hand, pursuant to “The Law for the Higher Institutions in the Republic of Albania” No. 9741, Date 21.05.2007, changes were made to the structure of the PUT due to the fact that two institutions were attached to it: The Institute of Energy, Water and Environment (INEUM) and The Institute of Geo-Sciences (INGJ)
In 2012, pursuant to the Order of the Minister for Education and Science, No. 371, Date 28.07.2011, “For the creation of the Geo-sciences, Energy, Water and Environment (IGJEUM), at the Polytechnic University of Tirana”, the two aforementioned institutes were united in one.
In January 2013, pursuant to the Order of the Minister for Education and Science, No. 28, Date 31.01.2013, “Over the opening of the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty at the Polyechnic University of Tirana”, the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism was founded, separating it from the Faculty of Construction Engineering.
In the last 10 years, the PUT has witnessed a thriving development in the field of International Relations and has become a member of a number of academic Networks such as: UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe), CMU (Community of Mediterranean Universities), BUA (Balkan Universities Association), BSUN (Black Sea Universities Network), RMEI (Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs), AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). UPT accepted and signed the Magna Charta Universitatum together with 903 universities from 87 countries worlwide.
Nowadays PUT, has signed agreements and Memorandums of Understanding with over 50 foreign universities, from 28 countries around the world, in three continents Worth mentioning here are distinguished universities such as: Ghent University, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam (IHS), Louisiana State University, Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Università degli Studi di Genova, Dalian University of Technology, Politecnico di Torino, National Chiao Tung University, Istanbul Technical University, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Università IUAV di Venezia, École Spéciale des Travaux Publics du Bâtiment et de l’Industrie etc.
The PUT has signed agreements of cooperation with the industry, it has placed relationships with prestigious companies in the country and the region. Worth mentionning here are: Konfindustria, Bankers Petroleum Albania, Deloitte, Lufthansa Industry Solutions, Albpetrol, KESH sh.a. HEC Vau-Dejës, HEC Ashta, Telekom Albania, Digitalb sh.a., Aluflor, Alumil Albania, Opel Noshi, Hyundai Auto Albania, Ford Albanian Motor Company etc.
Actually, The PUT is the only engineering university in Albania, with a 70-year history of attempts, hard work, achievements and success in the fulfillment of most immediate challenges that relate to the enhancement of the quality level in all the activities that fulfillment of the historic mission dictates.
Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës