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Academician Zija KËLLIÇI, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1957-1961

Academician Zija Këlliçi was born in Tirana in 1919. He enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 1939, which he later abandoned to participate in the National Liberation War. In 1945 he started his higher education in Moscow, where he graduated. Upon his return to Albania, he worked at the Executive Committee of Tirana, to construct the Textile Production Plant in Yzberisht and as Deputy Minister of Construction. In 1952 he started a career in Higher Education. He served as the Director of the Higher Polytechnic Institute in the years 1957-1961. He served as the first rector of the State University of Tirana from 1957- 1961 and Head of the Material Resistance Cathedra from 1962-1982. He was elected member of the People’s Assembly from 1950-1970. Academician Zija Këlliçi died in 1982.

Prof. Kahreman YLLI, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1961–1970

Prof. Kahreman Ylli was born on 22 April 1917 in Leshnjë, Skrapar. In 1953 he graduated from “Normale” high school, Elbasan, and a year later was appointed teacher in Zaloshnje ,Skrapar. He attended the Pedagogical Academy of Lion from 1936-1938. During 1938-1939 he served as a school principal in Peshkopi. He worked as a teacher in Elbasan from 1939-1941. From 1941-1942, he worked as a school principal and Education Inspector in Korçë and Gostivar. He worked as head of the Human Resource Sector in the Ministry of Education and Prime Ministry from 1944-1946. From 1946 to 1949 he served as full-fledged Minister of Albania in France. From 1946-1952 he served as Minister of Education. 1952-1961 was appointed Deputy Minister of Education. He represented Skrapar in six legislatures and was a member of the People’s Presidium. He served as rector of the University of Tirana from 1961-1970 Prof. Kahreman Ylli died on 3 September, 1975.

Prof. Jorgji SOTA, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1970-1972

Prof. Jorgji Sota was born in January 1919 in Fier. From a young age, he became known as one of the most ardent and active leaders of the Antifascist Resistance in Fier and Mallakastër.
After the Liberation, his contribution would be as indispensable as before, occupying high-rank positions locally and as a member of the Assembly. After a long time working as a clerk and as an Education Leader, he provided his invaluable contribution serving as the rector of the University of Tirana from 1970-1972.

Engineer Agim MERO, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1972-1974

Ing. Agim Mero lindi në qytetin e Gjirokastrës, më 21 mars 1933. In 1948 he completed the 7-year secondary school in his hometown and later attended the Polytechnicum “7 Nëntori” (high school) in Tirana, which he finished in 1952. He attended the Polytechnic Institute of Tirana from 1952-1957 where he received the title of the “Construction Engineer”. After graduation, he was offered a position as professor at University. In February 1972, he was appointed as the Rector of the State University of Tirana, a position which he held up to July 1973. He served as a member of the Assembly from 1966-1974. From 1992-2005 he was the Head of the Construction Technical Archive. Since 2005, he has been Head of the Non-Governmental Forum for the Protection of the Monuments of Culture for Gjirokastra.

Engineer Perikli PRIFTI, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1974-1975

Engineer Perikli Prifti was born on 12 July 1934, in Durrës. He completed his early education in his hometown. He started his higher education in 1958 in Moscow’s Institute, Russia which he interrupted in 1961. tarted his higher education in 1958 in Moscow’s Institute, Russia which he interrupted in 1961. He carried on with his studies at the University of Tirana, where he graduated from the faculty of Geo-Mining and received the title of “Gas and Oil Well Drilling Engineer”. From 1974-1975 he served as Rector of the University of Tirana and professor at the Faculty of Geo-Mining.

Prof. Dr. Petrit RADOVICKA, Rektor i Universitetit të Tiranës, 1975-1981

Prof. Dr. Petrit Radovicka was born in October 1920, in Leskovik. After finishing high school, in Tirana he enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 1939. He interrupted his studies in 1942 to return to Albania and participate in the National Liberation War. From 1945-1950 he attended Moscow’s Power Engineering Institute, where he received the title “Hydropower Engineer”. In 1950 he was appointed in high-ranking positions such as: Hydro-energetic engineer, the first director of the Power Plant, head of the projection unit of Selita’s Hydro-Power plant and Deputy Minister of Industry in 1950. In 1951 he served as Deputy Minister of Industry. He directed the Power Plant’s Cathedra at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (today the Department of the Electric Power Systems) from its early days up to 1990 when he retired. He occupied the position of the Vice-Rector of Tirana University from 1965–1968 and was served as the Rector of Tirana University from 1975–1981. From 1972-1980 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Science Academy and, from 1981-1985, served as the Director of the Science and Technic Committee. . Prof. Dr. Petrit Radovicka died in 1991.

Prof. Dr. Osman KRAJA, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1981-1988

Prof. Dr. Osman Kraja was born in 1930 in Istanbul. After the elementary school in 1949, he finished “Qemal Stafa” high school in Tirana. He gained a degree in Mathematics from the University of Warsaw in Poland . He completed his post-graduate studies at “Lomonosov” University in Moscow. He started his career as a teacher at “Qemal Stafa” high school. He had a significant contribution in establishing the cooperation between the University of Tirana and the University of Prishtina. He occupied high-ranking positions at the University of Tirana, first as a vice-rector and then as Rector for two consecutive legislatures, 1981-1988. From 1997-2002 he served as Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine Given his contribution in this field, he was appointed Honorary President of the Poland-Albania Association.

Prof. Nikolla KONOMI, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1988-1991

Prof. Nikolla Konomi was born in Zvërnec, a village situated in Vlorë in 1940. He pursued a degree in Geology at the University of Tirana from 1961-1966 and received the title of the Geological Engineer. In 1971 he was appointed professor at the Cathedra of Oil Geology and Hydrology. ,in 1984 professor at the Cathedra of Hydro-Geology and Geological Engineering at the faculty of Geo- Mining at the University of Tirana. During 1973-1974 he completed his postgraduate studies at the École Natıonale Supérıeure de Géologıe in France in the field of dynamics and the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Geo-Mining from 1983-1988.From 1988-1991 he served as Rector of the University of Tirana and head of the Hydrogeology and Geological Engineering Cathedra at the Faculty of Geo-Mining, University of Tirana.

Prof. Gëzim KARAPICI, Rector of the University of Tirana, 1991-1995

Prof. Gëzim Karapici was born in Tirana, on 3 June, 1944. He graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1967. In 1971 he was appointed at the Power Plant Cathedra at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tirana. From 1979-1982 he completed his post-graduate studies in Milan in the field of automatics. He occupied the position of the Dean of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of Tirana from 1989-1991. From 1991-1995 he served as the Rector of The Polytechnic University of Tirana. In 2003 he was reelected Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic University. He was in office until 2005 when he was elected Member of the Assembly.

Profesor Emil LAMANI, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana, 1995-1997

Professor Emil Lamani was born in Tirana on 6 November, 1952. He studied Mechanical Engineering, Technologist profile, from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tirana, 1971-1976. From 1976-1980 he worked as an engineer at the Metallurgic Plant in Elbasan. In 1980 he started working at the University of Tirana, at the Metals’ Technology Cathedra. He was member of the Scientific Board at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from 1991-1994 From 1992-1994 he was the head of the Metal’s Technology Cathedra and from 1995-1999 head of the Materials’ Technology Section. He served as the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana from 1995-1997; from 1995-1998, was a member of the University’s Academic Senate and worked as a professor at the Polytechnic University of Tirana, at the Department of Production and Management from 2007-2011.

Profesor Tamara GJOKA EFTIMI, Rektor i Universitetit të Tiranës, 1997-2003

Prof. Tamara Gjoka Eftimi was born on 13 August, 1946. She graduated from the University of Tirana in 1969 where she studied architecture and urban planning. She taught Architectonic Design and Environmental Physics in the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture at the University of Tirana and afterwards at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. She was awarded several qualification certificates in France and her area of expertise lay in international and inter-institutional projection, in planning and design. She held the honorific title “Ordre des Palmes académiques” issued by the French Minister of Culture. She served as Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana from 1997-2003. Prof. Tamara Gjoka Eftimi died in 2015.

Profesor Dr. Perparim HOXHA, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana, 2003–2008

Professor Dr. Përparim Hoxha was born in Përmet on 12 December, 1951 He graduated from the University of Tirana and received the title “Geological Engineer” In 1974. He worked as an engineer at the Chrome Mine in Bulqizë from 1974-1979. From 1979-1989, he worked as engineer at the Institute of Studies of Irrigation and Drainage Acts He worked as a lecturer at the Geological Engineering and Hydro-Geology Cathedra from 1989-1997. From 1997–1999 served as Vice-rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana. From 1999-2003 he was the Head of the Higher Education Accreditation Agency. He was elected Dean of the Faculty of Geo-Mining from 2008-2016. He served as the Rector of the Polytechnic University from 2003-2008. In 2016 he was appointed professor of the Applied Geology at the Environment and Geo-informatics Department.

Academician, Jorgaq KAÇANI, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana, 2008 – 2016

Academician Jorgaq Kaçani was born in Cerkovinë, a village situated in Vlorë on 10 October,1952. He finished “Halim Xhelo” high School in Vlorë. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering, technologist profile, from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tirana. After graduation, he worked as a Mechanical Engineer, technologist profile, at the Mechanical Plant “Kastriot Muço”, Vlorë from 1977-1980. In 1980 he was appointed as assistant at the Metals’ Technology Cathedra at the Engineering Faculty, in the Mechanical Division. He was appointed Director of the Mechanical Technology Department in 1993. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from 2003-2007. In 2008 he was elected member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences. From 2008-2012 he served as Rector of the Polytechnic University and was re-elected for a second legislature from 2012–2016.

Prof. Dr. Andrea MALIQARI, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana, 2016 to the present.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Maliqari was born on 1 December 1963, in Korçë. He graduated in 1987 from the Faculty of Construction Engineering at the University of Tirana, where he studied architecture. He has carried out several qualifications in scientific research and teaching in several international universities in France, Italy, Spain, and the Republic of North Macedonia. He has an experience of 33 years in teaching, at first as an assistant and later as a lecturer and professor of the Computer Design disciplines in the field of architecture and construction at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. He received his “Doctor of Science” degree in computer design in architecture and urbanism in 1993. In 1998, he received the academic title “Associate Professor” and currently holds the title “Professor”. His scientific research focuses on computer design methodology in architecture, urbanism, and the use of digital technology and the mathematical and informatics apparatuses in the urban and architectonic design He headed the Department of Architecture and Urban planning during the period 1993-2003. From 2008-2013 he was head of the Architecture and Urbanism Department from 2013-2016, he was Dean of the Construction Engineering Faculty at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. In April 2016, he was elected Rector of the Polytechnic University of Tirana and re-elected in the same position in 2020.

Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës