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Engineering curricula modernization in renewable energy in Albanian Universities / ENGINE

The project aim is to modernize curricula in engineering for renewable energies in the targeted Albanian universities and higher technical colleges, through new VET programs and updated BSc curricula in line with the new development in the area, the labor market demand and the opportunities for virtual mobility through e- learning provided by ICT.           

This project aims specifically to: 

  • Analyze the educational needs in engineering for Renewable energies through problem and job analysis, and to define the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies of engineers in the sector in terms of learning outcomes.
  • Design syllabi and course content and assessment for compulsory and elective courses in electrical engineering for renewable energy to meet the user needs.
  • Develop new e- learning courses with modular structure for the innovated curricula of Partner universities and to establish a platform and Procedures for Knowledge sharing between HEIs in the Partner countries and European academy and students.
  • Innovate the laboratory equipment and to perform a pilot test and start the implementation of the joint modules/ courses delivery during the last project year.


Polytechnic University of Tirana [UPT], Coordinator
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [KU Leuven]
Technical University of Sofie [TUS]
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA]
Kadir Has University [KHAS]
European University of Tirana [UET]
‘Aleksander Moisiu’ University of Durres / UAMD
Professional College of Tirana [KPT]
Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education [ASCAL]
Creative Thinking
Development [CRE.THI.DEV]

Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës