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The Polytechnic University of Tirana’s mission is based on honesty, curiosity, creativity, freedom of the soul, co-operation and transfer of knowledge in the field of science and education for a sustainable development. PUT spreads and increases knowledge, promotes human values and culture of dialogue and justice for all, increasing the quality of life by aiming:

Të krijojë, të transmetojë, të zhvillojë e të mbrojë dijet, me anën e mësimdhënies, kërkimit shkencor dhe shërbimeve, si edhe të formojë specialistë të lartë dhe të përgatisë shkencëtarë të rinj;
To offer opportunities to benefit lifelong from higher education;
To help economic development at the national and regional level;
To contribute to the increase in the standards of democracy and civilization of society and educate young people for such a society.


The Polytechnic University of Tirana is a quality public institution of higher education and a leader in its areas of expertise It aims to perfect and consolidate academic formation and solve important research and scientific problems nationally and regionally.

Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës